about me
 name mistress fyre
occupation almighty ruler of the galaxy inside my head (and theatre student)
hobbies dressing up and playing pretend (also known as "acting"), singing so loud that everyone within a five mile radius can hear me, writing obsessive, disturbing, or just plain weird stories and poetry, publishing those obsessive, disturbing, or just plain weird stories and poems on the internet, watching more cartoons than a six year old, watching these cartoons with my (real, not imaginary) boyfriend who also shares my love for cartoons, lusting after fictional characters, reading quality literature (anything with pages), listening to bands that no one has ever heard of, and, in other words, having no life whatsoever
lifetime goal to rule my own small planet in the center of the sun and force everyone to eat sour candy and read comic books, HA!
meat biproduct of choice deli turkey...mmm!
favorite quote "eagles may fly, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines" (steven wright)
things i'm obsessed with harry potter, dr pepper, johnny depp, cargo pants, modest mouse, a clockwork orange, trent reznor, nachos, ani difranco, the color green, lord of the rings, nine inch nails, sour gummy bears, baby shoes, requiem for a dream, the requiem for a dream soundtrack, dry erase boards, rent, lucius malfoy, pirates of the caribbean, homestarrunner.com, space ghost coast to coast, taking pictures, anne rice's vampire chronicles, pink floyd's the wall, arthurian legends, fishnet & vinyl, brak, shakespeare, the who's tommy, x-men, aragorn, q-doba, rogue and gambit, rasputina, my boyfriend....(deep breath)...AND action figures
Mistress Fyre's
Comprehensive Top 5
List of
*NOTE--These are all based on MY subjective opinion, so don't get all pissy & e-mail me saying that Orlando Bloom or Justin Timberlake should be on here instead. I am over eighteen and my taste in men reflects that. So if you're expecting boybands galore, go somewhere else. Take it or leave it My site. My opinion. Ha. Now, without further ado...Behold the beauty of MANCANDY!*

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Probably the most beautiful man alive. Ever. Has been sexy since 1987 and will probably continue to be sexy until the day he dies. Even then...sigh. Embarassed to admit, I wasn't very familiar with his work until I saw Pirates, but I've since watched about 80% of his films and was blown out of the water by not only his hotness, but his incomparable talent. Johnny, you are the definition of a sex kitten. I salute you!
What can I say? I've wanted this man since I hit puberty. Not only is he an insanely talented musical genius who helped to revolutionize popular music, he is gorgeous, and has a voice like a tiger's growl. Purr. The lust object of gothgirls everywhere. Could play Snape if Snape were sexy. Never thought that introverts could be so sexy. (Yea for fellow introverts!) Living proof that angst is HOT!
What is it about accents? Particularly Australian ones? I fell in love with this slighty fuzzy Aussie when I saw X-Men. Never considered Wolverine a sexy character until then, but shit...The cage match left me drooling. And then Swordfish. Sigh. Golf. That's all I have to say.
A relative unknown as far as pop culture goes, recognized best for his role as Dorian Gray in League of Extrordinary Gentlemen (which I have not yet seen, unfortunately). Bit people in Queen of the Damned. Sigh. ::daydreams about being bit by Stuart...:: Wait, what? Oh yeah. It takes a sexy man to play sexy Lestat. Yea for vampires. Vampires are hot. Yeah.
Big man with a gun--er, sword. Big sword. ::snickers:: Am SO mature. Anyway, Aragorn is nothing short of delectable. Tall, strong, and scruffy--the perfect MANLY man. Testosterone abounds, ladies. Viggo Mortensen is a full-fledged sex kitten!
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